# Requirements for the Application
# Formal Requirements
This section specifies what Tendermint expects from the Application. It is structured as a set of formal requirements that can be used for testing and verification of the Application's logic.
Let p and q be two correct processes.
Let rp (resp. rq) be a round of height h where p (resp. q) is the
Let sp,h-1 be p's Application's state committed for height h-1.
Let vp (resp. vq) be the block that p's (resp. q's) Tendermint passes
on to the Application
via RequestPrepareProposal
as proposer of round rp (resp rq), height h,
also known as the raw proposal.
Let up (resp. uq) the possibly modified block p's (resp. q's) Application
returns via ResponsePrepareProposal
to Tendermint, also known as the prepared proposal.
Process p's prepared proposal can differ in two different rounds where p is the proposer.
- Requirement 1 [
, header-changes]: When the blockchain is in same-block execution mode, p's Application provides values for the following parameters inResponsePrepareProposal
. Provided values forConsensusParams
MAY be empty to denote that the Application wishes to keep the current values.
Parameters AppHash
, TxResults
, ConsensusParams
, and ValidatorUpdates
are used by Tendermint to
compute various hashes in the block header that will finally be part of the proposal.
- Requirement 2 [
, no-header-changes]: When the blockchain is in next-block execution mode, p's Application does not provide values for the following parameters inResponsePrepareProposal
In practical terms, Requirements 1 and 2 imply that Tendermint will (a) panic if the Application is in
same-block execution mode and does not provide values for
, TxResults
, ConsensusParams
, and ValidatorUpdates
, or
(b) log an error if the Application is in next-block execution mode and does provide values for
, TxResults
, ConsensusParams
, or ValidatorUpdates
(the values provided will be ignored).
- Requirement 3 [
, timeliness]: If p's Application fully executes prepared blocks inPrepareProposal
and the network is in a synchronous period while processes p and q are in rp, then the value of TimeoutPropose at q must be such that q's propose timer does not time out (which would result in q prevotingnil
in rp).
Full execution of blocks at PrepareProposal
time stands on Tendermint's critical path. Thus,
Requirement 3 ensures the Application will set a value for TimeoutPropose
such that the time it takes
to fully execute blocks in PrepareProposal
does not interfere with Tendermint's propose timer.
Note that violation of Requirement 3 may just lead to further rounds, but will not compromise liveness.
- Requirement 4 [
, tx-size]: When p's Application callsResponsePrepareProposal
, the total size in bytes of the transactions returned does not exceedRequestPrepareProposal.max_tx_bytes
Busy blockchains might seek to maximize the amount of transactions included in each block. Under those conditions,
Tendermint might choose to increase the transactions passed to the Application via RequestPrepareProposal.txs
beyond the RequestPrepareProposal.max_tx_bytes
limit. The idea is that, if the Application drops some of
those transactions, it can still return a transaction list whose byte size is as close to
as possible. Thus, Requirement 4 ensures that the size in bytes of the
transaction list returned by the application will never cause the resulting block to go beyond its byte size
- Requirement 5 [
, coherence]: For any two correct processes p and q, if q's Tendermint callsRequestProcessProposal
on up, q's Application returns Accept inResponseProcessProposal
Requirement 5 makes sure that blocks proposed by correct processes always pass the correct receiving process's
On the other hand, if there is a deterministic bug in PrepareProposal
or ProcessProposal
(or in both),
strictly speaking, this makes all processes that hit the bug byzantine. This is a problem in practice,
as very often validators are running the Application from the same codebase, so potentially all would
likely hit the bug at the same time. This would result in most (or all) processes prevoting nil
, with the
serious consequences on Tendermint's liveness that this entails. Due to its criticality, Requirement 5 is a
target for extensive testing and automated verification.
Requirement 6 [
, determinism-1]:ProcessProposal
is a (deterministic) function of the current state and the block that is about to be applied. In other words, for any correct process p, and any arbitrary block u, if p's Tendermint callsRequestProcessProposal
on u at height h, then p's Application's acceptance or rejection exclusively depends on u and sp,h-1.Requirement 7 [
, determinism-2]: For any two correct processes p and q, and any arbitrary block u, if p's (resp. q's) Tendermint callsRequestProcessProposal
on u at height h, then p's Application accepts u if and only if q's Application accepts u. Note that this requirement follows from Requirement 6 and the Agreement property of consensus.
Requirements 6 and 7 ensure that all correct processes will react in the same way to a proposed block, even
if the proposer is Byzantine. However, ProcessProposal
may contain a bug that renders the
acceptance or rejection of the block non-deterministic, and therefore prevents processes hitting
the bug from fulfilling Requirements 6 or 7 (effectively making those processes Byzantine).
In such a scenario, Tendermint's liveness cannot be guaranteed.
Again, this is a problem in practice if most validators are running the same software, as they are likely
to hit the bug at the same point. There is currently no clear solution to help with this situation, so
the Application designers/implementors must proceed very carefully with the logic/implementation
of ProcessProposal
. As a general rule ProcessProposal
SHOULD always accept the block.
According to the Tendermint algorithm, a correct process can broadcast at most one precommit
message in round r, height h.
Since, as stated in the Methods section, ResponseExtendVote
is only called when Tendermint
is about to broadcast a non-nil
precommit message, a correct process can only produce one vote extension
in round r, height h.
Let erp be the vote extension that the Application of a correct process p returns via
in round r, height h.
Let wrp be the proposed block that p's Tendermint passes to the Application via RequestExtendVote
in round r, height h.
- Requirement 8 [
, coherence]: For any two different correct processes p and q, if q receives erp from p in height h, q's Application returns Accept inResponseVerifyVoteExtension
Requirement 8 constrains the creation and handling of vote extensions in a similar way as Requirement 5
constrains the creation and handling of proposed blocks.
Requirement 8 ensures that extensions created by correct processes always pass the VerifyVoteExtension
checks performed by correct processes receiving those extensions.
However, if there is a (deterministic) bug in ExtendVote
or VerifyVoteExtension
(or in both),
we will face the same liveness issues as described for Requirement 5, as Precommit messages with invalid vote
extensions will be discarded.
Requirement 9 [
, determinism-1]:VerifyVoteExtension
is a (deterministic) function of the current state, the vote extension received, and the prepared proposal that the extension refers to. In other words, for any correct process p, and any arbitrary vote extension e, and any arbitrary block w, if p's (resp. q's) Tendermint callsRequestVerifyVoteExtension
on e and w at height h, then p's Application's acceptance or rejection exclusively depends on e, w and sp,h-1.Requirement 10 [
, determinism-2]: For any two correct processes p and q, and any arbitrary vote extension e, and any arbitrary block w, if p's (resp. q's) Tendermint callsRequestVerifyVoteExtension
on e and w at height h, then p's Application accepts e if and only if q's Application accepts e. Note that this requirement follows from Requirement 9 and the Agreement property of consensus.
Requirements 9 and 10 ensure that the validation of vote extensions will be deterministic at all
correct processes.
Requirements 9 and 10 protect against arbitrary vote extension data from Byzantine processes,
in a similar way as Requirements 6 and 7 protect against arbitrary proposed blocks.
Requirements 9 and 10 can be violated by a bug inducing non-determinism in
. In this case liveness can be compromised.
Extra care should be put in the implementation of ExtendVote
and VerifyVoteExtension
As a general rule, VerifyVoteExtension
SHOULD always accept the vote extension.
Requirement 11 [all, no-side-effects]: p's calls to
, andRequestVerifyVoteExtension
at height h do not modify sp,h-1.Requirement 12 [
, non-dependency]: for any correct process p, and any vote extension e that p received at height h, the computation of sp,h does not depend on e.
The call to correct process p's RequestFinalizeBlock
at height h, with block vp,h
passed as parameter, creates state sp,h.
in next-block execution mode, p's
creates a set of transaction results Tp,h,in same-block execution mode, p's
creates a set of transaction results Tp,h if p was the proposer of vp,h. If p was not the proposer of vp,h,ProcessProposal
creates Tp,h.FinalizeBlock
MAY re-create Tp,h if it was removed from memory during the execution of height h.Requirement 13 [
, determinism-1]: For any correct process p, sp,h exclusively depends on sp,h-1 and vp,h.Requirement 14 [
, determinism-2]: For any correct process p, the contents of Tp,h exclusively depend on sp,h-1 and vp,h.
Note that Requirements 13 and 14, combined with Agreement property of consensus ensure state machine replication, i.e., the Application state evolves consistently at all correct processes.
Finally, notice that neither PrepareProposal
nor ExtendVote
have determinism-related
requirements associated.
Indeed, PrepareProposal
is not required to be deterministic:
- up may depend on vp and sp,h-1, but may also depend on other values or operations.
- vp = vq ⇏ up = uq.
Likewise, ExtendVote
can also be non-deterministic:
- erp may depend on wrp and sp,h-1, but may also depend on other values or operations.
- wrp = wrq ⇏ erp = erq
# Managing the Application state and related topics
# Connection State
Tendermint maintains four concurrent ABCI++ connections, namely
Consensus Connection,
Mempool Connection,
Info/Query Connection, and
Snapshot Connection.
It is common for an application to maintain a distinct copy of
the state for each connection, which are synchronized upon Commit
# Concurrency
In principle, each of the four ABCI++ connections operates concurrently with one
another. This means applications need to ensure access to state is
thread safe. Up to v0.35.x, both the
default in-process ABCI client (opens new window)
and the
default Go ABCI server (opens new window)
used a global lock to guard the handling of events across all connections, so they were not
concurrent at all. This meant whether your app was compiled in-process with
Tendermint using the NewLocalClient
, or run out-of-process using the SocketServer
ABCI messages from all connections were received in sequence, one at a
This is no longer the case starting from v0.36.0: the global locks have been removed and it is
up to the Application to synchronize access to its state when handling
ABCI++ methods on all connections.
Nevertheless, as all ABCI calls are now synchronous, ABCI messages using the same connection are
still received in sequence.
# FinalizeBlock
When the consensus algorithm decides on a block, Tendermint uses FinalizeBlock
to send the
decided block's data to the Application, which uses it to transition its state.
The Application must remember the latest height from which it
has run a successful Commit
so that it can tell Tendermint where to
pick up from when it recovers from a crash. See information on the Handshake
# Commit
The Application should persist its state during Commit
, before returning from it.
Before invoking Commit
, Tendermint locks the mempool and flushes the mempool connection. This ensures that
no new messages
will be received on the mempool connection during this processing step, providing an opportunity to safely
update all four
connection states to the latest committed state at the same time.
When Commit
returns, Tendermint unlocks the mempool.
WARNING: if the ABCI app logic processing the Commit
message sends a
or /broadcast_tx
and waits for the response
before proceeding, it will deadlock. Executing broadcast_tx
involves acquiring the mempool lock that Tendermint holds during the Commit
Synchronous mempool-related calls must be avoided as part of the sequential logic of the
# Candidate States
Tendermint calls PrepareProposal
when it is about to send a proposed block to the network.
Likewise, Tendermint calls ProcessProposal
upon reception of a proposed block from the
network. In both cases, the proposed block's data
is disclosed to the Application, in the same conditions as is done in FinalizeBlock
The block data disclosed the to Application by these three methods are the following:
- the transaction list
- the
referring to the previous block - the block header's hash (except in
, where it is not known yet) - list of validators that misbehaved
- the block's timestamp
- Proposer address
The Application may decide to immediately execute the given block (i.e., upon PrepareProposal
or ProcessProposal
). There are two main reasons why the Application may want to do this:
- Avoiding invalid transactions in blocks. In order to be sure that the block does not contain any invalid transaction, there may be no way other than fully executing the transactions in the block as though it was the decided block.
- Quick
execution. Upon reception of the decided block viaFinalizeBlock
, if that same block was executed uponPrepareProposal
and the resulting state was kept in memory, the Application can simply apply that state (faster) to the main state, rather than reexecuting the decided block (slower).
can be called many times for a given height. Moreover,
it is not possible to accurately predict which of the blocks proposed in a height will be decided,
being delivered to the Application in that height's FinalizeBlock
Therefore, the state resulting from executing a proposed block, denoted a candidate state, should
be kept in memory as a possible final state for that height. When FinalizeBlock
is called, the Application should
check if the decided block corresponds to one of its candidate states; if so, it will apply it as
its ExecuteTxState (see Consensus Connection below),
which will be persisted during the upcoming Commit
Under adverse conditions (e.g., network instability), Tendermint might take many rounds.
In this case, potentially many proposed blocks will be disclosed to the Application for a given height.
By the nature of Tendermint's consensus algorithm, the number of proposed blocks received by the Application
for a particular height cannot be bound, so Application developers must act with care and use mechanisms
to bound memory usage. As a general rule, the Application should be ready to discard candidate states
before FinalizeBlock
, even if one of them might end up corresponding to the
decided block and thus have to be reexecuted upon FinalizeBlock
# States and ABCI++ Connections
# Consensus Connection
The Consensus Connection should maintain an ExecuteTxState — the working state
for block execution. It should be updated by the call to FinalizeBlock
during block execution and committed to disk as the "latest
committed state" during Commit
. Execution of a proposed block (via PrepareProposal
must not update the ExecuteTxState, but rather be kept as a separate candidate state until FinalizeBlock
confirms which of the candidate states (if any) can be used to update ExecuteTxState.
# Mempool Connection
The mempool Connection maintains CheckTxState. Tendermint sequentially processes an incoming
transaction (via RPC from client or P2P from the gossip layer) against CheckTxState.
If the processing does not return any error, the transaction is accepted into the mempool
and Tendermint starts gossipping it.
CheckTxState should be reset to the latest committed state
at the end of every Commit
During the execution of a consensus instance, the CheckTxState may be updated concurrently with the
ExecuteTxState, as messages may be sent concurrently on the Consensus and Mempool connections.
At the end of the consensus instance, as described above, Tendermint locks the mempool and flushes
the mempool connection before calling Commit
. This ensures that all pending CheckTx
calls are
responded to and no new ones can begin.
After the Commit
call returns, while still holding the mempool lock, CheckTx
is run again on all
transactions that remain in the node's local mempool after filtering those included in the block.
Parameter Type
in RequestCheckTx
indicates whether an incoming transaction is new (CheckTxType_New
), or a
recheck (CheckTxType_Recheck
Finally, after re-checking transactions in the mempool, Tendermint will unlock
the mempool connection. New transactions are once again able to be processed through CheckTx
Note that CheckTx
is just a weak filter to keep invalid transactions out of the mempool and,
utimately, ouf of the blockchain.
Since the transaction cannot be guaranteed to be checked against the exact same state as it
will be executed as part of a (potential) decided block, CheckTx
shouldn't check everything
that affects the transaction's validity, in particular those checks whose validity may depend on
transaction ordering. CheckTx
is weak because a Byzantine node need not care about CheckTx
it can propose a block full of invalid transactions if it wants. The mechanism ABCI++ has
in place for dealing with such behavior is ProcessProposal
# Replay Protection
It is possible for old transactions to be sent again to the Application. This is typically undesirable for all transactions, except for a generally small subset of them which are idempotent.
The mempool has a mechanism to prevent duplicated transactions from being processed.
This mechanism is nevertheless best-effort (currently based on the indexer)
and does not provide any guarantee of non duplication.
It is thus up to the Application to implement an application-specific
replay protection mechanism with strong guarantees as part of the logic in CheckTx
# Info/Query Connection
The Info (or Query) Connection should maintain a QueryState
. This connection has two
purposes: 1) having the application answer the queries Tenderissued receives from users
(see section Query),
and 2) synchronizing Tendermint and the Application at start up time (see
Crash Recovery)
or after state sync (see State Sync).
is a read-only copy of ExecuteTxState as it was after the last
, i.e.
after the full block has been processed and the state committed to disk.
# Snapshot Connection
The Snapshot Connection is used to serve state sync snapshots for other nodes and/or restore state sync snapshots to a local node being bootstrapped. Snapshop management is optional: an Application may choose not to implement it.
For more information, see Section State Sync.
# Transaction Results
The Application is expected to return a list of
. The list of transaction
results must respect the same order as the list of transactions delivered via
This section discusses the fields inside this structure, along with the fields in
whose semantics are similar.
The Info
and Log
fields are
non-deterministic values for debugging/convenience purposes. Tendermint logs them but they
are otherwise ignored.
# Gas
Ethereum introduced the notion of gas as an abstract representation of the cost of the resources consumed by nodes when processing a transaction. Every operation in the Ethereum Virtual Machine uses some amount of gas. Gas has a market-variable price based on which miners can accept or reject to execute a particular operation.
Users propose a maximum amount of gas for their transaction; if the transaction uses less, they get the difference credited back. Tendermint adopts a similar abstraction, though uses it only optionally and weakly, allowing applications to define their own sense of the cost of execution.
In Tendermint, the ConsensusParams.Block.MaxGas limits the amount of
total gas that can be used by all transactions in a block.
The default value is -1
, which means the block gas limit is not enforced, or that the concept of
gas is meaningless.
Responses contain a GasWanted
and GasUsed
field. The former is the maximum
amount of gas the sender of a transaction is willing to use, and the latter is how much it actually
used. Applications should enforce that GasUsed <= GasWanted
— i.e. transaction execution
or validation should fail before it can use more resources than it requested.
When MaxGas > -1
, Tendermint enforces the following rules:
GasWanted <= MaxGas
for every transaction in the mempool(sum of GasWanted in a block) <= MaxGas
when proposing a block
If MaxGas == -1
, no rules about gas are enforced.
In v0.35.x and earlier versions, Tendermint does not enforce anything about Gas in consensus,
only in the mempool.
This means it does not guarantee that committed blocks satisfy these rules.
It is the application's responsibility to return non-zero response codes when gas limits are exceeded
when executing the transactions of a block.
Since the introduction of PrepareProposal
and ProcessProposal
in v.0.36.x, it is now possible
for the Application to enforce that all blocks proposed (and voted for) in consensus — and thus all
blocks decided — respect the MaxGas
limits described above.
Since the Application should enforce that GasUsed <= GasWanted
when executing a transaction, and
it can use PrepareProposal
and ProcessProposal
to enforce that (sum of GasWanted in a block) <= MaxGas
in all proposed or prevoted blocks,
we have:
(sum of GasUsed in a block) <= MaxGas
for every block
The GasUsed
field is ignored by Tendermint.
# Specifics of ResponseCheckTx
If Code != 0
, it will be rejected from the mempool and hence
not broadcasted to other peers and not included in a proposal block.
contains the result of the CheckTx
transaction execution, if any. It does not need to be
deterministic since, given a transaction, nodes' Applications
might have a different CheckTxState values when they receive it and check their validity
via CheckTx
Tendermint ignores this value in ResponseCheckTx
From v0.35.x on, there is a Priority
field in ResponseCheckTx
that can be
used to explicitly prioritize transactions in the mempool for inclusion in a block
# Specifics of ExecTxResult
is the workhorse of the blockchain. Tendermint delivers the decided block,
including the list of all its transactions synchronously to the Application.
The block delivered (and thus the transaction order) is the same at all correct nodes as guaranteed
by the Agreement property of Tendermint consensus.
In same block execution mode, field LastResultsHash
in the block header refers to the results
of all transactions stored in that block. Therefore,
must return ExecTxResult
so that it can
be used to build the block to be proposed in the current height.
The Data
field in ExecTxResult
contains an array of bytes with the transaction result.
It must be deterministic (i.e., the same value must be returned at all nodes), but it can contain arbitrary
data. Likewise, the value of Code
must be deterministic.
If Code != 0
, the transaction will be marked invalid,
though it is still included in the block. Invalid transaction are not indexed, as they are
considered analogous to those that failed CheckTx
Both the Code
and Data
are included in a structure that is hashed into the
of the block header in the next height (next block execution mode), or the
header of the block to propose in the current height (same block execution mode, ExecTxResult
part of PrepareProposal
include any events for the execution, which Tendermint will use to index
the transaction by. This allows transactions to be queried according to what
events took place during their execution.
# Updating the Validator Set
The application may set the validator set during
, and may update it during
(next block execution mode) or
(same block execution mode). In all cases, a structure of type
is returned.
The InitChain
method, used to initialize the Application, can return a list of validators.
If the list is empty, Tendermint will use the validators loaded from the genesis
If the list returned by InitChain
is not empty, Tendermint will use its contents as the validator set.
This way the application can set the initial validator set for the
Applications must ensure that a single set of validator updates does not contain duplicates, i.e. a given public key can only appear once within a given update. If an update includes duplicates, the block execution will fail irrecoverably.
Structure ValidatorUpdate
contains a public key, which is used to identify the validator:
The public key currently supports three types:
Structure ValidatorUpdate
also contains an ìnt64
field denoting the validator's new power.
Applications must ensure that
structures abide by the following rules:
- power must be non-negative
- if power is set to 0, the validator must be in the validator set; it will be removed from the set
- if power is greater than 0:
- if the validator is not in the validator set, it will be added to the set with the given power
- if the validator is in the validator set, its power will be adjusted to the given power
- the total power of the new validator set must not exceed
, whereMaxTotalVotingPower = MaxInt64 / 8
Note the updates returned after processing the block at height H
will only take effect
at block H+2
(see Section Methods).
# Consensus Parameters
are global parameters that apply to all validators in a blockchain.
They enforce certain limits in the blockchain, like the maximum size
of blocks, amount of gas used in a block, and the maximum acceptable age of
evidence. They can be set in
, and updated in
(next block execution mode) or
(same block execution model).
These parameters are deterministically set and/or updated by the Application, so
all full nodes have the same value at a given height.
# List of Parameters
These are the current consensus parameters (as of v0.36.x):
- BlockParams.MaxBytes
- BlockParams.MaxGas
- EvidenceParams.MaxAgeDuration
- EvidenceParams.MaxAgeNumBlocks
- EvidenceParams.MaxBytes
- SynchronyParams.MessageDelay
- SynchronyParams.Precision
- TimeoutParams.Propose
- TimeoutParams.ProposeDelta
- TimeoutParams.Vote
- TimeoutParams.VoteDelta
- TimeoutParams.Commit
- TimeoutParams.BypassCommitTimeout
# BlockParams.MaxBytes
The maximum size of a complete Protobuf encoded block. This is enforced by Tendermint consensus.
This implies a maximum transaction size that is this MaxBytes
, less the expected size of
the header, the validator set, and any included evidence in the block.
Must have 0 < MaxBytes < 100 MB
# BlockParams.MaxGas
The maximum of the sum of GasWanted
that will be allowed in a proposed block.
This is not enforced by Tendermint consensus.
It is left to the Application to enforce (ie. if transactions are included past the
limit, they should return non-zero codes). It is used by Tendermint to limit the
transactions included in a proposed block.
Must have MaxGas >= -1
If MaxGas == -1
, no limit is enforced.
# EvidenceParams.MaxAgeDuration
This is the maximum age of evidence in time units. This is enforced by Tendermint consensus.
If a block includes evidence older than this (AND the evidence was created more
than MaxAgeNumBlocks
ago), the block will be rejected (validators won't vote
for it).
Must have MaxAgeDuration > 0
# EvidenceParams.MaxAgeNumBlocks
This is the maximum age of evidence in blocks. This is enforced by Tendermint consensus.
If a block includes evidence older than this (AND the evidence was created more
than MaxAgeDuration
ago), the block will be rejected (validators won't vote
for it).
Must have MaxAgeNumBlocks > 0
# EvidenceParams.MaxBytes
This is the maximum size of total evidence in bytes that can be committed to a single block. It should fall comfortably under the max block bytes.
Its value must not exceed the size of
a block minus its overhead ( ~ BlockParams.MaxBytes
Must have MaxBytes > 0
# SynchronyParams.MessageDelay
This sets a bound on how long a proposal message may take to reach all validators on a network and still be considered valid.
This parameter is part of the proposer-based timestamps (PBTS) algorithm.
# SynchronyParams.Precision
This sets a bound on how skewed a proposer's clock may be from any validator on the network while still producing valid proposals.
This parameter is part of the proposer-based timestamps (PBTS) algorithm.
# TimeoutParams.Propose
Timeout in ms of the propose step of the Tendermint consensus algorithm. This value is the initial timeout at every height (round 0).
The value in subsequent rounds is modified by parameter ProposeDelta
When a new height is started, the Propose
timeout value is reset to this
If a node waiting for a proposal message does not receive one matching its
current height and round before this timeout, the node will issue a
prevote for the round and advance to the next step.
# TimeoutParams.ProposeDelta
Increment in ms to be added to the Propose
timeout every time the Tendermint
consensus algorithm advances one round in a given height.
When a new height is started, the Propose
timeout value is reset.
# TimeoutParams.Vote
Timeout in ms of the prevote and precommit steps of the Tendermint consensus algorithm. This value is the initial timeout at every height (round 0).
The value in subsequent rounds is modified by parameter VoteDelta
When a new height is started, the Vote
timeout value is reset to this
The Vote
timeout does not begin until a quorum of votes has been received.
Once a quorum of votes has been seen and this timeout elapses, Tendermint will
procced to the next step of the consensus algorithm. If Tendermint receives
all of the remaining votes before the end of the timeout, it will proceed
to the next step immediately.
# TimeoutParams.VoteDelta
Increment in ms to be added to the Vote
timeout every time the Tendermint
consensus algorithm advances one round in a given height.
When a new height is started, the Vote
timeout value is reset.
# TimeoutParams.Commit
This configures how long Tendermint will wait after receiving a quorum of precommits before beginning consensus for the next height. This can be used to allow slow precommits to arrive for inclusion in the next height before progressing.
# TimeoutParams.BypassCommitTimeout
This configures the node to proceed immediately to the next height once the
node has received all precommits for a block, forgoing the remaining commit timeout.
Setting this parameter to false
(the default) causes Tendermint to wait
for the full commit timeout configured in TimeoutParams.Commit
# ABCIParams.VoteExtensionsEnableHeight
This parameter is either 0 or a positive height at which vote extensions
become mandatory. If the value is zero (which is the default), vote
extensions are not required. Otherwise, at all heights greater than the
configured height H
vote extensions must be present (even if empty).
When the configured height H
is reached, PrepareProposal
will not
include vote extensions yet, but ExtendVote
and VerifyVoteExtension
be called. Then, when reaching height H+1
, PrepareProposal
include the vote extensions from height H
. For all heights after H
- vote extensions cannot be disabled,
- they are mandatory: all precommit messages sent MUST have an extension attached. Nevetheless, the application MAY provide 0-length extensions.
Must always be set to a future height. Once set to a value different from 0, its value must not be changed.
# Updating Consensus Parameters
The application may set the ConsensusParams
and update them during
(next block execution mode) or
(same block execution mode).
If the ConsensusParams
is empty, it will be ignored. Each field
that is not empty will be applied in full. For instance, if updating the
, applications must also set the other Block
fields (like
), even if they are unchanged, as they will otherwise cause the
value to be updated to the default.
# InitChain
includes a ConsensusParams
If ConsensusParams
is nil
, Tendermint will use the params loaded in the genesis
file. If ConsensusParams
is not nil
, Tendermint will use it.
This way the application can determine the initial consensus parameters for the
# FinalizeBlock
, PrepareProposal
In next block execution mode, ResponseFinalizeBlock
accepts a ConsensusParams
If ConsensusParams
is nil
, Tendermint will do nothing.
If ConsensusParams
is not nil
, Tendermint will use it.
This way the application can update the consensus parameters over time.
Likewise, in same block execution mode, PrepareProposal
and ProcessProposal
a ConsensusParams
parameter. PrepareProposal
may return a ConsensusParams
to update
the consensus parameters in the block that is about to be proposed. If it returns nil
the consensus parameters will not be updated. ProcessProposal
also accepts a
parameter, which Tendermint will use it to calculate the corresponding
hashes and sanity-check them against those of the block that triggered ProcessProposal
at the first place.
Note the updates returned in block H
will take effect right away for block
(both in next block and same block execution mode).
# Query
is a generic method with lots of flexibility to enable diverse sets
of queries on application state. Tendermint makes use of Query
to filter new peers
based on ID and IP, and exposes Query
to the user over RPC.
Note that calls to Query
are not replicated across nodes, but rather query the
local node's state - hence they may return stale reads. For reads that require
consensus, use a transaction.
The most important use of Query
is to return Merkle proofs of the application state at some height
that can be used for efficient application-specific light-clients.
Note Tendermint has technically no requirements from the Query
message for normal operation - that is, the ABCI app developer need not implement
Query functionality if they do not wish to.
# Query Proofs
The Tendermint block header includes a number of hashes, each providing an
anchor for some type of proof about the blockchain. The ValidatorsHash
quick verification of the validator set, the DataHash
gives quick
verification of the transactions included in the block.
The AppHash
is unique in that it is application specific, and allows for
application-specific Merkle proofs about the state of the application.
While some applications keep all relevant state in the transactions themselves
(like Bitcoin and its UTXOs), others maintain a separated state that is
computed deterministically from transactions, but is not contained directly in
the transactions themselves (like Ethereum contracts and accounts).
For such applications, the AppHash
provides a much more efficient way to verify light-client proofs.
ABCI applications can take advantage of more efficient light-client proofs for their state as follows:
- in next block executon mode, return the Merkle root of the deterministic application state in
. This Merkle root will be included as theAppHash
in the next block. - in same block execution mode, return the Merkle root of the deterministic application state
. This Merkle root will be included as theAppHash
in the block that is about to be proposed. - return efficient Merkle proofs about that application state in
that can be verified using theAppHash
of the corresponding block.
For instance, this allows an application's light-client to verify proofs of absence in the application state, something which is much less efficient to do using the block hash.
Some applications (eg. Ethereum, Cosmos-SDK) have multiple "levels" of Merkle trees,
where the leaves of one tree are the root hashes of others. To support this, and
the general variability in Merkle proofs, the ResponseQuery.Proof
has some minimal structure:
Each ProofOp
contains a proof for a single key in a single Merkle tree, of the specified type
This allows ABCI to support many different kinds of Merkle trees, encoding
formats, and proofs (eg. of presence and absence) just by varying the type
The data
contains the actual encoded proof, encoded according to the type
When verifying the full proof, the root hash for one ProofOp is the value being
verified for the next ProofOp in the list. The root hash of the final ProofOp in
the list should match the AppHash
being verified against.
# Peer Filtering
When Tendermint connects to a peer, it sends two queries to the ABCI application using the following paths, with no additional data:
, where<IP:PORT>
denote the IP address and the port of the connectionp2p/filter/id/<ID>
, where<ID>
is the peer node ID (ie. the pubkey.Address() for the peer's PubKey)
If either of these queries return a non-zero ABCI code, Tendermint will refuse to connect to the peer.
# Paths
Queries are directed at paths, and may optionally include additional data.
The expectation is for there to be some number of high level paths
differentiating concerns, like /p2p
, /store
, and /app
. Currently,
Tendermint only uses /p2p
, for filtering peers. For more advanced use, see the
implementation of
Query in the Cosmos-SDK (opens new window).
# Crash Recovery
On startup, Tendermint calls the Info
method on the Info Connection to get the latest
committed state of the app. The app MUST return information consistent with the
last block it succesfully completed Commit for.
If the app succesfully committed block H, then last_block_height = H
and last_block_app_hash = <hash returned by Commit for block H>
. If the app
failed during the Commit of block H, then last_block_height = H-1
last_block_app_hash = <hash returned by Commit for block H-1, which is the hash in the header of block H>
We now distinguish three heights, and describe how Tendermint syncs itself with the app.
Note we always have storeBlockHeight >= stateBlockHeight
and storeBlockHeight >= appBlockHeight
Note also Tendermint never calls Commit on an ABCI app twice for the same height.
The procedure is as follows.
First, some simple start conditions:
If appBlockHeight == 0
, then call InitChain.
If storeBlockHeight == 0
, we're done.
Now, some sanity checks:
If storeBlockHeight < appBlockHeight
, error
If storeBlockHeight < stateBlockHeight
, panic
If storeBlockHeight > stateBlockHeight+1
, panic
Now, the meat:
If storeBlockHeight == stateBlockHeight && appBlockHeight < storeBlockHeight
replay all blocks in full from appBlockHeight
to storeBlockHeight
This happens if we completed processing the block, but the app forgot its height.
If storeBlockHeight == stateBlockHeight && appBlockHeight == storeBlockHeight
, we're done.
This happens if we crashed at an opportune spot.
If storeBlockHeight == stateBlockHeight+1
This happens if we started processing the block but didn't finish.
If appBlockHeight < stateBlockHeight
replay all blocks in full from appBlockHeight
to storeBlockHeight-1
and replay the block at storeBlockHeight
using the WAL.
This happens if the app forgot the last block it committed.
If appBlockHeight == stateBlockHeight
replay the last block (storeBlockHeight) in full.
This happens if we crashed before the app finished Commit
If appBlockHeight == storeBlockHeight
update the state using the saved ABCI responses but dont run the block against the real app.
This happens if we crashed after the app finished Commit but before Tendermint saved the state.
# State Sync
A new node joining the network can simply join consensus at the genesis height and replay all historical blocks until it is caught up. However, for large chains this can take a significant amount of time, often on the order of days or weeks.
State sync is an alternative mechanism for bootstrapping a new node, where it fetches a snapshot of the state machine at a given height and restores it. Depending on the application, this can be several orders of magnitude faster than replaying blocks.
Note that state sync does not currently backfill historical blocks, so the node will have a truncated block history - users are advised to consider the broader network implications of this in terms of block availability and auditability. This functionality may be added in the future.
For details on the specific ABCI calls and types, see the methods section.
# Taking Snapshots
Applications that want to support state syncing must take state snapshots at regular intervals. How this is accomplished is entirely up to the application. A snapshot consists of some metadata and a set of binary chunks in an arbitrary format:
Height (uint64)
: The height at which the snapshot is taken. It must be taken after the given height has been committed, and must not contain data from any later heights.Format (uint32)
: An arbitrary snapshot format identifier. This can be used to version snapshot formats, e.g. to switch from Protobuf to MessagePack for serialization. The application can use this when restoring to choose whether to accept or reject a snapshot.Chunks (uint32)
: The number of chunks in the snapshot. Each chunk contains arbitrary binary data, and should be less than 16 MB; 10 MB is a good starting point.Hash ([]byte)
: An arbitrary hash of the snapshot. This is used to check whether a snapshot is the same across nodes when downloading chunks.Metadata ([]byte)
: Arbitrary snapshot metadata, e.g. chunk hashes for verification or any other necessary info.
For a snapshot to be considered the same across nodes, all of these fields must be identical. When sent across the network, snapshot metadata messages are limited to 4 MB.
When a new node is running state sync and discovering snapshots, Tendermint will query an existing
application via the ABCI ListSnapshots
method to discover available snapshots, and load binary
snapshot chunks via LoadSnapshotChunk
. The application is free to choose how to implement this
and which formats to use, but must provide the following guarantees:
Consistent: A snapshot must be taken at a single isolated height, unaffected by concurrent writes. This can be accomplished by using a data store that supports ACID transactions with snapshot isolation.
Asynchronous: Taking a snapshot can be time-consuming, so it must not halt chain progress, for example by running in a separate thread.
Deterministic: A snapshot taken at the same height in the same format must be identical (at the byte level) across nodes, including all metadata. This ensures good availability of chunks, and that they fit together across nodes.
A very basic approach might be to use a datastore with MVCC transactions (such as RocksDB), start a transaction immediately after block commit, and spawn a new thread which is passed the transaction handle. This thread can then export all data items, serialize them using e.g. Protobuf, hash the byte stream, split it into chunks, and store the chunks in the file system along with some metadata - all while the blockchain is applying new blocks in parallel.
A more advanced approach might include incremental verification of individual chunks against the chain app hash, parallel or batched exports, compression, and so on.
Old snapshots should be removed after some time - generally only the last two snapshots are needed (to prevent the last one from being removed while a node is restoring it).
# Bootstrapping a Node
An empty node can be state synced by setting the configuration option statesync.enabled = true
. The node also needs the chain genesis file for basic chain info, and configuration for
light client verification of the restored snapshot: a set of Tendermint RPC servers, and a
trusted header hash and corresponding height from a trusted source, via the statesync
configuration section.
Once started, the node will connect to the P2P network and begin discovering snapshots. These
will be offered to the local application via the OfferSnapshot
ABCI method. Once a snapshot
is accepted Tendermint will fetch and apply the snapshot chunks. After all chunks have been
successfully applied, Tendermint verifies the app's AppHash
against the chain using the light
client, then switches the node to normal consensus operation.
# Snapshot Discovery
When the empty node joins the P2P network, it asks all peers to report snapshots via the
ABCI call (limited to 10 per node). After some time, the node picks the most
suitable snapshot (generally prioritized by height, format, and number of peers), and offers it
to the application via OfferSnapshot
. The application can choose a number of responses,
including accepting or rejecting it, rejecting the offered format, rejecting the peer who sent
it, and so on. Tendermint will keep discovering and offering snapshots until one is accepted or
the application aborts.
# Snapshot Restoration
Once a snapshot has been accepted via OfferSnapshot
, Tendermint begins downloading chunks from
any peers that have the same snapshot (i.e. that have identical metadata fields). Chunks are
spooled in a temporary directory, and then given to the application in sequential order via
until all chunks have been accepted.
The method for restoring snapshot chunks is entirely up to the application.
During restoration, the application can respond to ApplySnapshotChunk
with instructions for how
to continue. This will typically be to accept the chunk and await the next one, but it can also
ask for chunks to be refetched (either the current one or any number of previous ones), P2P peers
to be banned, snapshots to be rejected or retried, and a number of other responses - see the ABCI
reference for details.
If Tendermint fails to fetch a chunk after some time, it will reject the snapshot and try a
different one via OfferSnapshot
- the application can choose whether it wants to support
restarting restoration, or simply abort with an error.
# Snapshot Verification
Once all chunks have been accepted, Tendermint issues an Info
ABCI call to retrieve the
. This is compared with the trusted app hash from the chain, retrieved and
verified using the light client. Tendermint also checks that LastBlockHeight
corresponds to the
height of the snapshot.
This verification ensures that an application is valid before joining the network. However, the snapshot restoration may take a long time to complete, so applications may want to employ additional verification during the restore to detect failures early. This might e.g. include incremental verification of each chunk against the app hash (using bundled Merkle proofs), checksums to protect against data corruption by the disk or network, and so on. However, it is important to note that the only trusted information available is the app hash, and all other snapshot metadata can be spoofed by adversaries.
Apps may also want to consider state sync denial-of-service vectors, where adversaries provide invalid or harmful snapshots to prevent nodes from joining the network. The application can counteract this by asking Tendermint to ban peers. As a last resort, node operators can use P2P configuration options to whitelist a set of trusted peers that can provide valid snapshots.
# Transition to Consensus
Once the snapshots have all been restored, Tendermint gathers additional information necessary for
bootstrapping the node (e.g. chain ID, consensus parameters, validator sets, and block headers)
from the genesis file and light client RPC servers. It also calls Info
to verify the following:
- that the app hash from the snapshot it has delivered to the Application matches the apphash stored in the next height's block (in next block execution), or the current block's height (same block execution)
- that the version that the Application returns in
matches the version in the current height's block header
Once the state machine has been restored and Tendermint has gathered this additional information, it transitions to block sync (if enabled) to fetch any remaining blocks up the chain head, and then transitions to regular consensus operation. At this point the node operates like any other node, apart from having a truncated block history at the height of the restored snapshot.