Next, install the abci-cli tool and example applications:
git clone
cd tendermint
make install_abci
Now run abci-cli to see the list of commands:
abci-cli [command]
Available Commands:
batch run a batch of abci commands against an application
check_tx validate a transaction
commit commit the application state and return the Merkle root hash
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
console start an interactive ABCI console for multiple commands
deliver_tx deliver a new transaction to the application
echo have the application echo a message
help Help about any command
info get some info about the application
kvstore ABCI demo example
prepare_proposal prepare proposal
process_proposal process proposal
query query the application state
test run integration tests
version print ABCI console version
--abci string either socket or grpc (default "socket")
--address string address of application socket (default "tcp://")
-h, --help help for abci-cli
--log_level string set the logger level (default "debug")
-v, --verbose print the command and results as if it were a console session
Use "abci-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The abci-cli tool lets us send ABCI messages to our application, to
help build and debug them.
The most important messages are deliver_tx, check_tx, and commit,
but there are others for convenience, configuration, and information
We'll start a kvstore application, which was installed at the same time
as abci-cli above. The kvstore just stores transactions in a merkle
tree. Its code can be found
here(opens new window)
and looks like the following:
funccmdKVStore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)error{
logger := log.NewTMLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stdout))// Create the application - in memory or persisted to diskvar app types.Application
if flagPersist ==""{var err error
flagPersist, err = os.MkdirTemp("","persistent_kvstore_tmp")if err !=nil{return err
app = kvstore.NewPersistentKVStoreApplication(flagPersist)
app.(*kvstore.PersistentKVStoreApplication).SetLogger(logger.With("module","kvstore"))// Start the listener
srv, err := server.NewServer(flagAddress, flagAbci, app)if err !=nil{return err
srv.SetLogger(logger.With("module","abci-server"))if err := srv.Start(); err !=nil{return err
}// Stop upon receiving SIGTERM or CTRL-C.
tmos.TrapSignal(logger,func(){// Cleanupif err := srv.Stop(); err !=nil{
logger.Error("Error while stopping server","err", err)}})// Run{}}
The handler is specific to the application, and may be arbitrary, so
long as it is deterministic and conforms to the ABCI interface
So when we run abci-cli info, we open a new connection to the ABCI
server, which calls the Info() method on the application, which tells
us the number of transactions in our Merkle tree.
Now, since every command opens a new connection, we provide the
abci-cli console and abci-cli batch commands, to allow multiple ABCI
messages to be sent over a single connection.
Running abci-cli console should drop you in an interactive console for
speaking ABCI messages to your application.
Try running these commands:
> echo hello
-> code: OK
-> data: hello
-> data.hex: 0x68656C6C6F
> info
-> code: OK
-> data: {"size":0}
-> data.hex: 0x7B2273697A65223A307D
> prepare_proposal "abc"
-> code: OK
-> log: Succeeded. Tx: abc
> process_proposal "abc"
-> code: OK
-> status: ACCEPT
> commit
-> code: OK
-> data.hex: 0x0000000000000000
> deliver_tx "abc"
-> code: OK
> info
-> code: OK
-> data: {"size":1}
-> data.hex: 0x7B2273697A65223A317D
> commit
-> code: OK
-> data.hex: 0x0200000000000000
> query "abc"
-> code: OK
-> log: exists
-> height: 2
-> key: abc
-> key.hex: 616263
-> value: abc
-> value.hex: 616263
> deliver_tx "def=xyz"
-> code: OK
> commit
-> code: OK
-> data.hex: 0x0400000000000000
> query "def"
-> code: OK
-> log: exists
-> height: 3
-> key: def
-> key.hex: 646566
-> value: xyz
-> value.hex: 78797A
> prepare_proposal "preparedef"
-> code: OK
-> log: Succeeded. Tx: replacedef
> process_proposal "replacedef"
-> code: OK
-> status: ACCEPT
> process_proposal "preparedef"
-> code: OK
-> status: REJECT
> prepare_proposal
> process_proposal
-> code: OK
-> status: ACCEPT
> commit
-> code: OK
-> data.hex: 0x0400000000000000
Note that if we do deliver_tx "abc" it will store (abc, abc), but if
we do deliver_tx "abc=efg" it will store (abc, efg).
You could put the commands in a file and run
abci-cli --verbose batch < myfile.
Note that the abci-cli is designed strictly for testing and debugging. In a real
deployment, the role of sending messages is taken by Tendermint, which
connects to the app using three separate connections, each with its own
pattern of messages.