This document provides an overview of the Proposer-Based Timestamp (PBTS) algorithm added to Tendermint in the v0.36 release. It outlines the core functionality as well as the parameters and constraints of the this algorithm.

# Algorithm Overview

The PBTS algorithm defines a way for a Tendermint blockchain to create block timestamps that are within a reasonable bound of the clocks of the validators on the network. This replaces the original BFTTime algorithm for timestamp assignment that computed a timestamp using the timestamps included in precommit messages.

# Algorithm Parameters

The functionality of the PBTS algorithm is governed by two parameters within Tendermint. These two parameters are consensus parameters (opens new window), meaning they are configured by the ABCI application and are therefore the same same across all nodes on the network.

# Precision

The Precision parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound of clock drift among all of the nodes on a Tendermint network. Any two nodes on a Tendermint network are expected to have clocks that differ by at most Precision milliseconds any given instant.

# MessageDelay

The MessageDelay parameter configures the acceptable upper-bound for transmitting a Proposal message from the proposer to all of the validators on the network.

Networks should choose as small a value for MessageDelay as is practical, provided it is large enough that messages can reach all participants with high probability given the number of participants and latency of their connections.

# Algorithm Concepts

# Block timestamps

Each block produced by the Tendermint consensus engine contains a timestamp. The timestamp produced in each block is a meaningful representation of time that is useful for the protocols and applications built on top of Tendermint.

The following protocols and application features require a reliable source of time:

# Proposer Selects a Block Timestamp

When the proposer node creates a new block proposal, the node reads the time from its local clock and uses this reading as the timestamp for the proposed block.

# Timeliness

When each validator on a Tendermint network receives a proposed block, it performs a series of checks to ensure that the block can be considered valid as a candidate to be the next block in the chain.

The PBTS algorithm performs a validity check on the timestamp of proposed blocks. When a validator receives a proposal it ensures that the timestamp in the proposal is within a bound of the validator's local clock. Specifically, the algorithm checks that the timestamp is no more than Precision greater than the node's local clock and no less than Precision + MessageDelay behind than the node's local clock. This creates range of acceptable timestamps around the node's local time. If the timestamp is within this range, the PBTS algorithm considers the block timely. If a block is not timely, the node will issue a nil prevote for this block, signaling to the rest of the network that the node does not consider the block to be valid.

# Clock Synchronization

The PBTS algorithm requires the clocks of the validators on a Tendermint network are within Precision of each other. In practice, this means that validators should periodically synchronize to a reliable NTP server. Validators that drift too far away from the rest of the network will no longer propose blocks with valid timestamps. Additionally they will not view the timestamps of blocks proposed by their peers to be valid either.

# See Also