# Install Tendermint
# From Binary
To download pre-built binaries, see the releases page (opens new window).
# Using Homebrew
You can also install the Tendermint binary by simply using homebrew,
# From Source
You'll need go
installed (opens new window) and the required
environment variables set, which can be done with the following commands:
Get the source code:
Then run:
to put the binary in $GOPATH/bin
or use:
to put the binary in ./build
DISCLAIMER The binary of Tendermint is build/installed without the DWARF
symbol table. If you would like to build/install Tendermint with the DWARF
symbol and debug information, remove -s -w
in the make
The latest Tendermint is now installed. You can verify the installation by running:
# Run
To start a one-node blockchain with a simple in-process application:
# Reinstall
If you already have Tendermint installed, and you make updates, simply
To upgrade, run
# Compile with CLevelDB support
Install LevelDB (opens new window) (minimum version is 1.7).
Install LevelDB with snappy (optionally). Below are commands for Ubuntu:
Set a database backend to cleveldb
To install Tendermint, run:
or run:
which puts the binary in ./build