# Implementation
# Blocksync Reactor
- coordinates the pool for syncing
- coordinates the store for persistence
- coordinates the playing of blocks towards the app using a sm.BlockExecutor
- handles switching between fastsync and consensus
- it is a p2p.BaseReactor
- starts the pool.Start() and its poolRoutine()
- registers all the concrete types and interfaces for serialisation
# poolRoutine
- listens to these channels:
- pool requests blocks from a specific peer by posting to requestsCh, block reactor then sends a &bcBlockRequestMessage for a specific height
- pool signals timeout of a specific peer by posting to timeoutsCh
- switchToConsensusTicker to periodically try and switch to consensus
- trySyncTicker to periodically check if we have fallen behind and then catch-up sync
- if there aren't any new blocks available on the pool it skips syncing
- tries to sync the app by taking downloaded blocks from the pool, gives them to the app and stores them on disk
- implements Receive which is called by the switch/peer
- calls AddBlock on the pool when it receives a new block from a peer
# Block Pool
- responsible for downloading blocks from peers
- makeRequestersRoutine()
- removes timeout peers
- starts new requesters by calling makeNextRequester()
- requestRoutine():
- picks a peer and sends the request, then blocks until:
- pool is stopped by listening to pool.Quit
- requester is stopped by listening to Quit
- request is redone
- we receive a block
- gotBlockCh is strange
- picks a peer and sends the request, then blocks until: