# Method

This document provides a detailed description of the QA process. It is intended to be used by engineers reproducing the experimental setup for future tests of Tendermint.

The (first iteration of the) QA process as described in the RELEASES.md document (opens new window) was applied to version v0.34.x in order to have a set of results acting as benchmarking baseline. This baseline is then compared with results obtained in later versions.

Out of the testnet-based test cases described in the releases document (opens new window) we focused on two of them: 200 Node Test, and Rotating Nodes Test.

# Software Dependencies

# Infrastructure Requirements to Run the Tests

# Requirements for Result Extraction

# 200 Node Testnet

# Running the test

This section explains how the tests were carried out for reproducibility purposes.

  1. [If you haven't done it before] Follow steps 1-4 of the README.md at the top of the testnet repository to configure Terraform, and doctl.
  2. Copy file testnets/testnet200.toml onto testnet.toml (do NOT commit this change)
  3. Set the variable VERSION_TAG in the Makefile to the git hash that is to be tested.
  4. Follow steps 5-10 of the README.md to configure and start the 200 node testnet
    • WARNING: Do NOT forget to run make terraform-destroy as soon as you are done with the tests (see step 9)
  5. As a sanity check, connect to the Prometheus node's web interface and check the graph for the tendermint_consensus_height metric. All nodes should be increasing their heights.
  6. ssh into the testnet-load-runner, then copy script script/200-node-loadscript.sh and run it from the load runner node.
    • Before running it, you need to edit the script to provide the IP address of a full node. This node will receive all transactions from the load runner node.
    • This script will take about 40 mins to run
    • It is running 90-seconds-long experiments in a loop with different loads
  7. Run make retrieve-data to gather all relevant data from the testnet into the orchestrating machine
  8. Verify that the data was collected without errors
    • at least one blockstore DB for a Tendermint validator
    • the Prometheus database from the Prometheus node
    • for extra care, you can run zip -T on the prometheus.zip file and (one of) the blockstore.db.zip file(s)
  9. Run make terraform-destroy
    • Don't forget to type yes! Otherwise you're in trouble.

# Result Extraction

The method for extracting the results described here is highly manual (and exploratory) at this stage. The Core team should improve it at every iteration to increase the amount of automation.

# Steps

  1. Unzip the blockstore into a directory

  2. Extract the latency report and the raw latencies for all the experiments. Run these commands from the directory containing the blockstore

    • go run github.com/tendermint/tendermint/test/loadtime/cmd/report@3ec6e424d --database-type goleveldb --data-dir ./ > results/report.txt
    • go run github.com/tendermint/tendermint/test/loadtime/cmd/report@3ec6e424d --database-type goleveldb --data-dir ./ --csv results/raw.csv
  3. File report.txt contains an unordered list of experiments with varying concurrent connections and transaction rate

    • Create files report01.txt, report02.txt, report04.txt and, for each experiment in file report.txt, copy its related lines to the filename that matches the number of connections.
    • Sort the experiments in report01.txt in ascending tx rate order. Likewise for report02.txt and report04.txt.
  4. Generate file report_tabbed.txt by showing the contents report01.txt, report02.txt, report04.txt side by side

    • This effectively creates a table where rows are a particular tx rate and columns are a particular number of websocket connections.
  5. Extract the raw latencies from file raw.csv using the following bash loop. This creates a .csv file and a .dat file per experiment. The format of the .dat files is amenable to loading them as matrices in Octave

    Copy uuids=($(cat report01.txt report02.txt report04.txt | grep '^Experiment ID: ' | awk '{ print $3 }')) c=1 for i in 01 02 04; do for j in 0025 0050 0100 0200; do echo $i $j $c "${uuids[$c]}" filename=c${i}_r${j} grep ${uuids[$c]} raw.csv > ${filename}.csv cat ${filename}.csv | tr , ' ' | awk '{ print $2, $3 }' > ${filename}.dat c=$(expr $c + 1) done done
  6. Enter Octave

  7. Load all .dat files generated in step 5 into matrices using this Octave code snippet

    Copy conns = { "01"; "02"; "04" }; rates = { "0025"; "0050"; "0100"; "0200" }; for i = 1:length(conns) for j = 1:length(rates) filename = strcat("c", conns{i}, "_r", rates{j}, ".dat"); load("-ascii", filename); endfor endfor
  8. Set variable release to the current release undergoing QA

    Copy release = "v0.34.x";
  9. Generate a plot with all (or some) experiments, where the X axis is the experiment time, and the y axis is the latency of transactions. The following snippet plots all experiments.

    Copy legends = {}; hold off; for i = 1:length(conns) for j = 1:length(rates) data_name = strcat("c", conns{i}, "_r", rates{j}); l = strcat("c=", conns{i}, " r=", rates{j}); m = eval(data_name); plot((m(:,1) - min(m(:,1))) / 1e+9, m(:,2) / 1e+9, "."); hold on; legends(1, end+1) = l; endfor endfor legend(legends, "location", "northeastoutside"); xlabel("experiment time (s)"); ylabel("latency (s)"); t = sprintf("200-node testnet - %s", release); title(t);
  10. Consider adjusting the axis, in case you want to compare your results to the baseline, for instance

    Copy axis([0, 100, 0, 30], "tic");
  11. Use Octave's GUI menu to save the plot (e.g. as .png)

  12. Repeat steps 9 and 10 to obtain as many plots as deemed necessary.

  13. To generate a latency vs throughput plot, using the raw CSV file generated in step 2, follow the instructions for the latency_throughput.py script.

# Extracting Prometheus Metrics

  1. Stop the prometheus server if it is running as a service (e.g. a systemd unit).
  2. Unzip the prometheus database retrieved from the testnet, and move it to replace the local prometheus database.
  3. Start the prometheus server and make sure no error logs appear at start up.
  4. Introduce the metrics you want to gather or plot.

# Rotating Node Testnet

# Running the test

This section explains how the tests were carried out for reproducibility purposes.

  1. [If you haven't done it before] Follow steps 1-4 of the README.md at the top of the testnet repository to configure Terraform, and doctl.
  2. Copy file testnet_rotating.toml onto testnet.toml (do NOT commit this change)
  3. Set variable VERSION_TAG to the git hash that is to be tested.
  4. Run make terraform-apply EPHEMERAL_SIZE=25
    • WARNING: Do NOT forget to run make terraform-destroy as soon as you are done with the tests
  5. Follow steps 6-10 of the README.md to configure and start the "stable" part of the rotating node testnet
  6. As a sanity check, connect to the Prometheus node's web interface and check the graph for the tendermint_consensus_height metric. All nodes should be increasing their heights.
  7. On a different shell,
    • X and Y should reflect a load below the saturation point (see, e.g., this paragraph for further info)
  8. Run make rotate to start the script that creates the ephemeral nodes, and kills them when they are caught up.
    • WARNING: If you run this command from your laptop, the laptop needs to be up and connected for full length of the experiment.
  9. When the height of the chain reaches 3000, stop the make rotate script
  10. When the rotate script has made two iterations (i.e., all ephemeral nodes have caught up twice) after height 3000 was reached, stop make rotate
  11. Run make retrieve-data to gather all relevant data from the testnet into the orchestrating machine
  12. Verify that the data was collected without errors
    • at least one blockstore DB for a Tendermint validator
    • the Prometheus database from the Prometheus node
    • for extra care, you can run zip -T on the prometheus.zip file and (one of) the blockstore.db.zip file(s)
  13. Run make terraform-destroy

Steps 8 to 10 are highly manual at the moment and will be improved in next iterations.

# Result Extraction

In order to obtain a latency plot, follow the instructions above for the 200 node experiment, but:

  • The results.txt file contains only one experiment
  • Therefore, no need for any for loops

As for prometheus, the same method as for the 200 node experiment can be applied.